Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Audrey's quote of the week by Audrey

"The thinner the tree is, the more you can break it."

Christmas Clogging by Celia and Elly

We clogged at Carver Living Center last weekend.

We also clogged at the Durham Regent Center.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mrs. Spider is dead-by Elly

Mrs. Spider lived a long life. She had a nice home, a large web. She layed two egg sacks. She once ate a huge horsefly. She was a beautiful spider.

This was her home. These are her eggs. I cannot wait until the babies come.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Audrey's Collection of Quotes- Part 2

"You don't always have to remember people's names, but it's a good thing to do."

You are never in a different life."

"When growing pains come, it's like your leg is telling you, you are getting older."

"The Bible is never boring."

"You can never get tired of hugs and kisses."

"When you taste something, you don't always have to swallow it."

"Everyone has a story of their life."

"You are always smaller than someone."

"Every word you say is a quote."

"Tiny frogs can jump higher than big frogs."

"You can never have too many quotes."

SNOW! By Celia

On Saturday evening, it snowed!

This is the snow girl that I made

This is Audrey's snow man named Junior.

This is Elly's snow man.

We had a lot of fun in the snow!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Audrey's Collection of Quotes- Part 1 (with Audrey's consent!)

"If you're learning, then it does not matter the fun of it. It just matters about the learning."

"You never have nothing in your mind."

"Songs are not always true."

"A story always ends with a happy ending."

"You don't always have to have a true quote."

"No matter what your taste buds are at first, the vegetable will always taste great."

"You don't always have to get what you want."

"A book is never good until it is finished."

All quotes by Audrey Boldizar , age 6

Steve's Little River Cloggers Shirt.-By Celia

I made this shirt for my webkinz, Steve. It says, Little River Cloggers.

It looks just like mine.

We are matching!