Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The NC Zoo by Elly

We celebrated our friend's birthday at the zoo.

We called "Swim!" and the polar bear started to walk to the water.

He put his front paws and his nose in the water.

Then he jumped in!

The chimpanzee had a little baby clinging to it's arm.

There are huge turtles in this waterway.

At 1371 acres, the NC Zoo is the largest walk-through, natural-habitat zoo in the world!

Behind us is the young elephant.

This is the gorilla. It was enormous! It went right up to the window and laid down and put his blanket on his back, even though it was way too small for him.

There were lots of exotic birds, like this one.

Audrey took this picture of a tortoise.

We had a really fun time. There is an Africa side and a North America side.
We only saw half of the zoo!

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